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Studies in Contemporary Jewry Modern Jews and Their Musical Agendas Book VOL. (Hardcover)

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Studies in Contemporary Jewry Modern Jews and Their Musical Agendas Book VOL. (Hardcover)
Product Description

This volume examines music s place in the process of Jewish assimilation into the modern European bourgeoisie and the role assigned to music in forging a new Jewish Israeli national identity in maintaining a separate Sephardic identity and in preserving a traditional Jewish life. Contributions include On the Jewish Presence in Nineteenth Century European Musical Life by Ezra Mendelsohn Musical Life in the Central European Jewish Village by Philip V. Bohlman Jews and Hungarians in Modern Hungarian Musical Culture by Judit Frigyesi New Directions in the Music of the Sephardic Jews by Edwin Seroussi The Eretz Israeli Song and the Jewish National Fund by Natan Shahar Alexander U. Boskovitch and the Quest for an Israeli Musical Style by Jehoash Hirshberg and Music of Holy Argument by Lionel Wolberger. The volume also contains essays book reviews and a list of recent dissertations in the field.

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March 4, 2025

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