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TERRO 6-Pack Liquid Ant Baits

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Product Name
TERRO 6-Pack Liquid Ant Baits
Product Description

Ants can be a problem anywhere in the home at work and everywhere in between. To kill common household ants place TERRO Liquid Ant Baits in areas where they attract foraging ants that take the bait back to the nest. As the bait circulates through the colony it kills the ants you see and the ones you dont. The new and improved snap-off tab makes the stations easy to use. Plus the closed bait stations prevent the bait from drying out to provide the ants with a continuous supply of liquid day and night. Note: complete control may take up to two weeks. Includes 6 bait stations per pack Liquid Ant Bait with borax Pre-filled ready to use bait will not spill or drip Controls sweet eating ants For use in the kitchen basement garage work area bedroom etc Active Ingredients: 5.40% Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate Borax. Eliminates: Ants: including acrobat ants allegheny ants argentine ants big headed ants cornfield ants crazy ants ghost ants little black ants odorous house ants pavement ants pyramid ants thief ants white footed ants and other sweet eating ants except fire ants pharaoh ants carpenter ants and harvester ants How Liquid Ant Bait Works: Since this is a bait initially you will see more ants but dont worry this is a good thing. Why? As ants forage for food they are easily attracted to the sweet sugary liquid inside the bait stations. After finding the bait worker ants consume it and leave behind a pheromone trail leading back to the colony. This trail lets other worker ants know where the newly discovered food supply is. This is why you will see more ants in the beginning. Meanwhile the active ingredient Borax is slowly interfering with the ants digestive system ultimately killing it but leaving enough time for the ant to go back and share the dose with the rest of the colony. This slow kill is necessary so that foraging ants can make several trips to the bait. The

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Last updated
February 1, 2025

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