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KT Tape Professional Sports Tape Black 14 Count

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Product Name
KT Tape Professional Sports Tape Black 14 Count
Product Description

Sport Tape Athletic Black Strips Box 14 CT 10 inch. Elastic sports tape for pain relief and support (Not clinically proven for all applications). Original. Endorsed by gold medalist Kerri Walsh. Cotton. Play harder. For common injuries (Not clinically proven for all applications). Carpal tunnel. Hamstring strain. Wrist pain. Runner s knee. Neck strain. Calf strain. Shoulder pain. Achilles tendonitis. Tennis elbow. Plantar fasciitis. Golfer s elbow. Shin splints. Rib pain. Ankle pain. Gluteus pain. Quad strain. Warranties and remedies limited to product replacement cost. Video Instructions: Share your Kt Tape. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. (at)kttape. (hashtag)kttape. Non sterile. CE listed. Made in China. Discontinue use if skin becomes irritated or sore. Instructions provided are for educational use only. Kt Tape is not a replacement for professional medical care. Cancer patients should not use Kt Tape as it may interfere with treatment. Do not use on abdomen if pregnant. Do not place Kt Tape directly over cuts or open wounds. 14 strips American Fork UT 84003 2015 KT Health LLC

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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