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Duck Brand 17 ft. Heavy-Duty Rubber Weatherstrip Seal - Medium Gap

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Product Name
Duck Brand 17 ft. Heavy-Duty Rubber Weatherstrip Seal - Medium Gap
Product Description

This self-adhesive and heavy-duty seal is designed to seal medium gaps around your doors and windows blocking out drafts and air leaks. Seal is .38 Inch x .25 Inch x 17 Ft. Cracks and gaps around windows and doors can cause drafts to come into your home leading to high heating and cooling costs. Medium Gap Self-Adhesive Duck Brand Heavy-Duty Weatherstrip Seals are made with durable and flexible material allowing them to stand up against extreme temperatures that cause other seals to freeze or crack. They are a great solution for replacing old or worn door and window seals forming a barrier against the outdoor air as well as dust pollen and insects during the warmer months. Use together with other Duck Brand weatherization products to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient all year long.

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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