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The Extraordinary Book of Native American Lists (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Extraordinary Book of Native American Lists (Hardcover)
Product Description

While Native Americans are perhaps the most studied people in our society they too often remain the least understood and visible. Fictions and stereotypes predominate obscuring substantive and fascinating facts about Native societies. The Extraordinary Book of Native American Lists works to remedy this problem by compiling fun unique and significant facts about Native groups into one volume complete with references to additional online and print resources. In this volume readers can learn about Native figures from a diverse range of cultures and professions including award-winning athletes authors filmmakers musicians and environmentalists. Readers are introduced to Native U.S. senators Medal of Freedom winners Medal of Honor recipients Major League baseball players and U.S. Olympians as well as a U.S. vice president a NASA astronaut a National Book Award recipient and a Pulitzer Prize winner. Other categories found in this book are: History Stereotypes and Myths Tribal Government Federal-Tribal Relations State-Tribal Relations Native Lands and Environmental Issues Health Religion Economic Development Military Service and War Education Native Languages Science and Technology Food Visual Arts Literary and Performing Arts Film Music and Dance Print Radio and Television Sports and Games Exhibitions Pageants and Shows Alaska Natives Native Hawaiians Urban Indians Including further fascinating facts this wonderful resource will be a great addition not only to tribal libraries but to public and academic libraries individuals and scholars as well.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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