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Black Indians : A Hidden Heritage (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Black Indians : A Hidden Heritage (Hardcover)
Product Description

The compelling teen nonfiction account of how two heritages united in their struggle to gain freedom and equality in America. The first paths to freedom taken by runaway slaves led to Native American villages. There black men and women found acceptance and friendship among our country s original inhabitants. Though they seldom appear in textbooks and movies the children of Native and African American marriages helped shape the early days of the fur trade added a new dimension to frontier diplomacy and made a daring contribution to the fight for American liberty. Since its original publication William Loren Katz s Black Indians has remained the definitive work on a long arduous quest for freedom and equality. This new edition features a new cover and includes updated information about a neglected chapter in American history.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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