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Some Slaves of Fauquier County Virginia Volume I : Will Books 1-10 1759-1829 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Some Slaves of Fauquier County Virginia Volume I : Will Books 1-10 1759-1829 (Paperback)
Product Description

The author was inspired to create this helpful resource book while researching her second great-grandmother Mildred Timbers. It is not known how Mildred became a slave. Was Mildred willed to someone? Was she purchased at a sale? Was her mother already property when she was born? Without a helpful aid like the books in this series the author was faced with the daunting task of reading every page of every Will Book to find the answers. This is the book the author wished she had to help her with her research. Is your ancestor within these pages? Will books are a good source in the search for slaves only if the owner named the slave(s). This series provides researchers with easy access to information that could otherwise require several months of reading through microfilm. Each chapter contains one Will Book. Documents include administrators estate executors and guardian accounts wills inventory and appraisals. Entries list each slave owner followed by the page number date and type of document. The list of slaves follows and the new owner is listed if known. Surnames of the owner s children are indexed only if noted in the document. First names have been standardized in order to make it easier to search for a name. A full-name index adds to the value of this work. This series is a MUST for researchers of slaves and/or owners of Fauquier County Virginia.

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March 4, 2025

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