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Samson Graphite 49 Key USB MIDI DJ Keyboard Controller+Dual Shelf Studio Stand

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Product Name
Samson Graphite 49 Key USB MIDI DJ Keyboard Controller+Dual Shelf Studio Stand
Product Description

Package Includes: (1) Samson Graphite 49 Key USB MIDI DJ Keyboard Controller w/ Aftertouch/Fader/Pads (1) Rockville Rock2d2 Adjustable Dual Shelf DJ Controller Midi Keyboard Laptop Stand Video of SAKGR49 : Features: Samson Graphite 49 Key USB MIDI DJ Keyboard Controller w/ Aftertouch/Fader/Pads 49-key semi-weighted keyboard with aftertouch 9 programmable faders 8 encoders and 16 buttons for hands-on control over your DAW and virtual instruments 4 velocity-sensitive trigger pads with aftertouch (two banks) for drum sounds and samples Large LCD display provides real-time feedback Includes MIDI Out USB and sustain pedal connections Compact design perfect for live performance and studio applications Dedicated Transpose and Octave buttons Pitch Bend and Modulation wheels 4 zones for creating splits and layering sounds Adjustable velocity curve for both keys and pads iPad and USB bus powered Bundled with Native Instrument’s Komplete Elements software Video of Rock2d2: Features: Rockville Rock2d2 Adjustable Dual Shelf DJ Controller Midi Keyboard Laptop Stand Dual shelf stand supports multiple devices to save space and keep things neat Perfect for a laptop DJ controllers Keyboard controllers and more!

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Last updated
February 15, 2025

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