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Chinese Culture Story: Warring States Era-Story 01-25: HSK Chinese History Story Vol 5/14 (Paperback)

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Chinese Culture Story: Warring States Era-Story 01-25: HSK Chinese History Story Vol 5/14 (Paperback)
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The Warring States period was an era in ancient Chinese history characterized by warfare as well as bureaucratic and military reforms and consolidation. Start date: 475 BC End date: 221 BC. (Wikipedia)The origins of the Chinese people go far back in time and Chinese culture is extensive and rich in nature. It is the traditional Chinese high Regard for history that has made this possible.中华民族源远流长,中国文化博大精深,其所以能如此,乃由于国人重视历史之故。 History elucidates the way in which the nations of each age rise and Fall and the way the virtuous ancients built the character necessary to Rule peacefully. History enables us to distinguish between ourselves and others and to understand the great principle underlying right and wrong. From history we learn to regard as right what is right and as wrong what is wrong thereby leaving the world free of moral ambiguity.历史乃所以明历代国家兴衰隆替之道,古圣先贤修齐治平之理,辨人我之异同,明是非之大端。是者是之,非者非之,使黑白无所遁形于天地之间。The Chinese people are proud of their long and continuous history; history holds a special significance for the Chinese. 悠久而且绵延不断的历史使中国人感到自豪;历史使中国而言是有特殊意义的。This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series 999 articles 18 categories. Perfect for HSK 4-6 IGCSE Chinese IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at http: // 中国的史书浩瀚如海,在中国历史上可歌可泣的人物和事件,不可胜数,所以大家常说:一部二十五史,不知从何说起。我们从历代的史书中,以教育性、趣味性、知识性为取材标准,用简洁的文字,将中国历史撷精择要的呈现给读者。Chinese histories are abundant. In Chinese history the stories of glorious and tragic men and events are so numerous that they cannot be counted. Therefore people often sya One does not know where to begin discussing the Twenty-five Histories. The historical stories are selected from many stroies with clear and simple wording they present a complete Chinese history concisely to our readers.This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series 999 articles 18 categories. Perfect for HSK 4-6 IGCSE Chinese IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at http: //

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February 9, 2025

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