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African Serval Care: Serval Facts And Information: Are Servals Aggressive? (Paperback)

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African Serval Care: Serval Facts And Information: Are Servals Aggressive? (Paperback)
Product Description

The serval cat is a beautiful animal that some people keep as an exotic pet. While you may be able to acquire a serval cat from a breeder they are considered wild cats. To own a serval cat you must create a large secure outdoor enclosure and provide a warm environment year-round. They will need to feed on whole prey food items and require veterinary care from an experienced exotics vet. A care guide for exotic pets like servals and caracals. Includes information about diet housing harness training vet care and more. This book will help you make the right decision on whether or not you are prepared to open your home up to one of these unique and incredible creatures.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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