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The Province of Administrative Law (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Province of Administrative Law (Paperback)
Product Description

During the past decade administrative law has experienced remarkable development. It has consistently been one of the most dynamic and potent areas of legal innovation and of judicial activism. It has expanded its reach into an ever broadening sphere of public and private activities. Largely through the mechanism of judicial review the judges in several jurisdictions have extended the ambit of the traditional remedies partly in response to a perceived need to fill an accountability vacuum created by the privatisation of public enterprises the contracting-out of public services and the deregulation of industry and commerce. The essays in this volume focus upon these and other shifts in administrative law and in doing so they draw upon the experiences of several jurisdictions: the UK the US Canada Australia and New Zealand. The result is a wide-ranging and forceful analysis of the scope development and future direction of administrative law.

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March 4, 2025

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