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Article 5 1: Article 5 (Hardcover)

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Article 5 1: Article 5 (Hardcover)
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In a future America the Bill of Rights has been revoked and replaced with the Moral Statutes. There are no more police--instead there are soldiers. There are no more fines for bad behavior--instead there are arrests trials and maybe worse. Seventeen-year-old Ember Miller is old enough to remember that things weren t always this way. New York Los Angeles and Washington D.C. have been abandoned. The Bill of Rights has been revoked and replaced with the Moral Statutes. There are no more police--instead there are soldiers. There are no more fines for bad behavior--instead there are arrests trials and maybe worse. People who get arrested usually don t come back. Seventeen-year-old Ember Miller is old enough to remember that things weren t always this way. Living with her rebellious single mother it s hard for her to forget that people weren t always arrested for reading the wrong books or staying out after dark. It s hard to forget that life in the United States used to be different. Ember has perfected the art of keeping a low profile. She knows how to get the things she needs like food stamps and hand-me-down clothes and how to pass the random home inspections by the military. Her life is as close to peaceful as circumstances allow. That is until her mother is arrested for noncompliance with Article 5 of the Moral Statutes. And one of the arresting officers is none other than Chase Jennings...the only boy Ember has ever loved.

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Last updated
February 7, 2025

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