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Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Lea Reflections on Statistics: Learning Teaching and Assessment in Grades K-12 (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Lea Reflections on Statistics: Learning Teaching and Assessment in Grades K-12 (Hardcover)
Product Description

An issue in the current push for reform in mathematics education is the call to address statistics at the precollege level. This volume represents the emerging findings of an interdisciplinary collaboration among a group of mathematics educators cognitive scientists teachers and statisticians to construct an understanding of how to introduce statistics education and assessment for students in elementary and secondary schools. A premise shared by the contributors to this volume is that when students are introduced to statistics at the K-12 level and provided with opportunities to do statistics that are related to actual life situations they will be better prepared for decision making in the real world. The interdisciplinary nature of the group of researchers stimulated a lively interchange of ideas for enhancing the learning teaching and assessment of statistical understanding which is reflected in this volume. Mathematics educators contribute their insights into how teachers teach mathematical ideas and heighten our awareness of the ecological needs of the current mathematics classroom. Cognitive scientists share their understanding of developmental differences in learning and present theoretical perspectives that contribute to the design of effective learning environments. Classroom teachers share their ideas about classroom activities and assessment of student learning as well as their concerns for in-service training and workshops to help teachers acquire skills in this new content area. Statisticians offer their understanding of what is feasible to teach in the early grades and what their view is of statistical literacy. The book is organized around four interdependent themes: content teaching learning and assessment. By focusing their respective chapters on particular themes the authors intend to cultivate a better understanding of how each relates to improvements in statistics education. This is the first book to: * address statistics learning in grades K-12 * address issues of statistical curriculum content in grades K-12 * address issues of assessment of statistics learning in grades K-12 * bring issues of technology instruction and assessment in statistics education in grades K-12 and * look at teacher education for statistics instruction in grades K-12. This is a must-read book for both practitioners and researchers involved in K-12 mathematics education.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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