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High-Spirited Rose Is Rose: A Collection of Rose Is Rose Comics (Paperback)

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High-Spirited Rose Is Rose: A Collection of Rose Is Rose Comics (Paperback)
Product Description

What happens when a cartoonist incorporates story-line suggestions from readers and merges them with innovative artwork lauded by other cartoonists as among the finest drawn today? You get Pat Brady s Rose is Rose-the strip that s earned Brady legions of loyal fans and a nomination for Cartoonist of the Year four years running from the National Cartoonist Society. High-Spirited Rose is Rose is the fifth collection featuring the high-spirited high jinks of the Gumbo family-Rose her husband Jimbo and her cherished son Pasquale. We can count on the imaginative Rose who lightens her household load by occasionally assuming an alter ego Vicki a black-leather-clad biker babe. This collection features original artwork sure to please fans. More than any strip today Rose is Rose challenges its readers to relive their childhood feelings of wonder and awe. Brady began his beloved Rose is Rose strip in 1984.

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March 4, 2025

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