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Pre-Owned International Handbook of Behavior Modification and Therapy (Hardcover) 9780306433481

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Product Name
Pre-Owned International Handbook of Behavior Modification and Therapy (Hardcover) 9780306433481
Product Description

It is particularly gratifying to prepare a second edition of a book because there is the necessary impli cation that the first edition was well received. Moreover now an opportunity is provided to correct the problems or limitations that existed in the first edition as well as to address recent developments in the field. Thus we are grateful to our friends colleagues and students as well as to the reviewers who have expressed their approval of the first edition and who have given us valuable input on how the revision could best be structured. Perhaps the first thing that the reader will notice about the second edition is that it is more extensive than the first. The volume currently has 41 chapters in contrast to the 31 chapters that comprised the earlier version. Chapters 3 9 29 and 30 of the first edition either have been dropped or were combined whereas 14 new chapters have been added. In effect we are gratified in being able to reflect the continued growth of behavior therapy in the 1980s. Behavior therapists have addressed an ever-increasing number of disorders and behavioral dysfunctions in an increasing range of populations. The most notable advances are taking place in such areas as cognitive approaches geriatrics and behavioral medicine and also in the treatment of childhood disorders. Good Condition: Minimal damage to the cover dust jacket may not be included minimal wear to binding most of the pages undamaged(e.g. minimal creases or tears) highlighting / underlining acceptable on books as long as the text is readable and markings are not excessive no missing pages. May be a former library book with usual treatments(e.g. mylar covers call stickers stamps card pockets barcodes or remainder marks). Extra components such as CDs DVDs figurines or access codes are not included. ISBN: 9780306433481 ISBN10: 0306433486 Contributors: Bellack Alan S.

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February 24, 2025

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