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Mizani Rose H2O Conditioning Hairdress 8 oz

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Product Name
Mizani Rose H2O Conditioning Hairdress 8 oz
Product Description

Restore your hair s beauty and softness with MIZANI rose H2O conditioning hairdresser 8 oz jar. It allows you to easily care for and moisturize your locks from root to tip in just minutes. Made with a high-quality formula that includes botanical extracts it s good for both the hair and scalp. It relieves dryness instantly while adding a soft silky sheen. The MIZANI conditioning hairdressing relieves tight itchy scalp yet it s so light it doesn t leave buildup. It also helps prevent split ends and damage caused by styling. This creamy hair and scalp moisturizer is ideal for all lengths.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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