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The 30-30 Career : Making 30 Grand in 30 Seconds! Vol. 4: Singing on Major TV Commercials (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The 30-30 Career : Making 30 Grand in 30 Seconds! Vol. 4: Singing on Major TV Commercials (Hardcover)
Product Description

THE #1 MOST COMPREHENSIVE AND HONEST BOOK FOR ANYONE WHO S EVER WANTED TO SING ON MAJOR TV COMMERCIALS! You have a great voice but record deals are getting harder and harder to come by. Paid gigs don t pay enough and solo albums aren t selling even with promotion. There is an answer for you! VOLUME 4 OF THE 30-30 CAREER: MAKING 30 GRAND IN 30 SECONDS! SINGING ON MAJOR TV COMMERCIALS walks you through the lucrative world of commercial jingles. What once was stereotyped as a career for campy cliche vocalists and songwriters has now become a pathway to generating a hit song and promoting bands and brands at the same time. JINGLES today are sounding more and more like SINGLES. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been made by singers on commercials over the years and the competition is growing tougher and tougher all the time. Whether you are a new comer or veteran in the game VOLUME 4 of THE 30-30 shows you how to break deeper into this money-making industry right now and have your voice heard locally nationally and internationally. We break down the SKILL the NETWORK and the PSYCHOLOGY of singing on commercials. With the record industry changing day to day every singer and songwriter should be making extra money in the advertising industry. It s true. You re either NETworking or NOTworking! Ever wonder why the politics are never on your side? This book unveils the politics and secrets to working your way onto vocal contracts that get you paid. Start networking today and make NEW money by SINGING ON MAJOR TV COMMERCIALS.

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January 23, 2025

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