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Language Proof and Logic : Second Edition (Mixed media product)

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Product Name
Language Proof and Logic : Second Edition (Mixed media product)
Product Description

Language Proof and Logic is available as a physical book with the software included and as a downloadable package of software plus the book in PDF format. The all-electronic version is available from Openproof at The textbook/software package covers first-order language in a method appropriate for first and second courses in logic. An on-line grading services instantly grades solutions to hundred of computer exercises. It is designed to be used by philosophy instructors teaching a logic course to undergraduates in philosophy computer science mathematics and linguistics. Introductory material is presented in a systematic and accessible fashion. Advanced chapters include proofs of soundness and completeness for propositional and predicate logic as well as an accessible sketch of Godel s first incompleteness theorem. The book is appropriate for a wide range of courses from first logic courses for undergraduates (philosophy mathematics and computer science) to a first graduate logic course. The software package includes four programs: Tarski s World a new version of the popular program that teaches the basic first-order language and its semantics; Fitch a natural deduction proof environment for giving and checking first-order proofs; Boole a program that facilitates the construction and checking of truth tables and related notions (tautology tautological consequence etc.); Submit a program that allows students to submit exercises done with the above programs to the Grade Grinder the automatic grading service. Grade reports are returned to the student and if requested to the student s instructor eliminating the need for tedious checking of homework. All programs are available for Windows and Macintosh systems. Instructors do not need to use the programs themselves in order to be able to take advantage of their pedagogical value. More about the software can be found at The price of a new text/software package includes one Registration ID which must be used each time work is submitted to the grading service. Once activated the Registration ID is not transferable.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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