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Diurex Water Pills Pain Relief - Relieve Water Bloat, Cramps, & Fatigue - 42 Ct

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Product Name
Diurex Water Pills Pain Relief - Relieve Water Bloat, Cramps, & Fatigue - 42 Ct
Product Description

You’re doing all the right things to get rid of periodic water weight like avoiding salty foods and staying active. Diurex Water Pills + Pain Relief can help re-energize your efforts to relieve water bloat and the related aches and pains so you can feel better, faster. Diurex Water Pills work by increasing urination to help rid your body of excess water. Frequent bathroom trips mean Diurex is doing its job, so make sure to stay hydrated and use Diurex water pills as directed on the packaging. Diurex Water Pills + Pain Relief provide prompt and effective* relief from periodic water bloat, cramps, minor headaches and aches. Diurex also helps get rid of the related fatigue and the uncomfortable and heavy feelings of periodic water bloat. *When used as directed

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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