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Vandread: Ultimate Collection - Classic (DVD) Funimation Prod Anime

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Product Name
Vandread: Ultimate Collection - Classic (DVD) Funimation Prod Anime
Product Description

The battle of the sexes may seem bad on Earth but in a space colony far far away things are even worse. Men and women haven t seen each other for decades so they don t just argue in the future they go straight for each other s throats. Enter lowly Hibiki a little guy with big dreams of adventure who finds himself in the middle of a firefight after stowing away in a top secret Mech designed to purge the galaxy of estrogen! But as the gender war rages on a mysterious crystal weapon forever links their starships and their destinies. Time is running out as men and women explore their sexual differences struggle to suppress raging hormones and fight to survive the threat of a deadly common foe!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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