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Turtle Odyssey (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray) Shout Factory Documentary

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Product Name
Turtle Odyssey (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray) Shout Factory Documentary
Product Description

Sea Turtles are some of the most majestic and ancient creatures on Earth. For over 100 million years they have traversed the seas surviving multiple mass extinctions and playing critical roles in maintaining a healthy marine food chain. Not only do these friendly animals captivate us as they peacefully glide through the ocean but their personal journeys of survival are equally fascinating. Turtle Odyssey explores the unique lifecycle of an Australian Sea Turtle named Bunji and her incredible journey across the ocean. The film follows Bunji from a hatchling into adulthood as she swims thousands of miles meeting incredible creatures and having some truly wild encounters.

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Last updated
March 8, 2025

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