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AcuRite Color Forecaster with Temperature and Humidity Gauge LCD Display includes Outdoor Weather Sensor (00503)

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Product Name
AcuRite Color Forecaster with Temperature and Humidity Gauge LCD Display includes Outdoor Weather Sensor (00503)
Product Description

This AcuRite Color Forecaster (00503W) provides accurate ambient weather information at-a-glance on an attractive color weather station display. You ll receive temperature humidity and a personal forecast 12 hours from current conditions on an illuminated color LCD screen. The weather station information includes indoor and outdoor temperature indoor humidity daily high and low records barometric pressure and the moon phase. The built-in Intelli-Time clock adds convenience with the correct time and date built in. It also automatically updates itself for daylight saving time! Includes digital display outdoor sensor power cord and instruction manual. This color forecaster (00503W) comes with a one-year limited warranty.

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Last updated
December 6, 2024

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