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Studies in Operational Regional Science Regional Economic Policy: Measurement of Its Effect Book 1 (Hardcover)

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Studies in Operational Regional Science Regional Economic Policy: Measurement of Its Effect Book 1 (Hardcover)
Product Description

Impact analysis of economic policy is a subject which is gaining in- creasing interest in both theoretical and applied economic research. Two main reasons for the growing interest can be distinguished. First the situation of the government s finances is making it more than ever necessary to assess critically the effects of the instruments used to pursue public policy goals. Secondly because of the economic stagnation government will be increasingly appealed to for support. Impact analysis however is hampered by three major problems: methodological deficiencies lack of econometric approaches which have been adapted to the specific conditions of this kind of analysis and data availability. The present book deals with these problems in the context of regional economic policy. However the main findings are broadly applicable in various other fields. This book is primarily oriented towards those who have a practical interest. Therefore attention is mostly paid to the practical aspects of the methodology and the measurements methods. Furthermore the methodologi- cal and econometric parts are supplemented by two extensive case studies. - Three people have contributed constructive criticisms and suggestions on some chapters of the book: Peter Nijkamp Theo Dijkstra and Manfred Fischer. I am very grateful for their support. They of course share no blame for any deficiences in the present form of the book. I also gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Harry Barkema and Marja Schuring with the computations.

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March 4, 2025

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