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Magic Sing Hindi Song Chip - Collection of 200 Built Songs for ET-HD1 - Perfect Gift for Song Lover

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Magic Sing Hindi Song Chip - Collection of 200 Built Songs for ET-HD1 - Perfect Gift for Song Lover
Product Description

Hindi 200 Songs chips offered are updated on a regular basis to keep up with the latest releases available. The Voice activation sensor is most quick so for a better way to shuffle through the daily recordings and just to be sure that no word is missing. Magic Sing is a complete Karaoke system that comes with built-in songs but we also provide additional song chips for a great Karaoke experience. Each chip simply slots into one of the expansions. GREAT WIRELESS TRANSMISSION PREMIUM COLLECTION: The best thing to do is enter your favorite artist song title or genre into our search to bring up your favorite songs. Having advanced sensors wireless signal transmission and a low-power consumption system. Each Song chip is accompanied by a pre-punched song list for ease of insertion into your songbook. Song lists are able to be downloaded directly onto your computer. Magic Sing ET-HD1 Magic Sing Hindi Song Chip with 200 Built-in Songs SONG CHIP PLAYABLE AUDIO: Song chips offered are updated regularly to keep up with the latest releases available for a song. Each Song chip is accompanied by a pre-punched long list for ease of insertion into your songbook lists can be downloaded directly on the monitor computer. A sound wave of your favorite song voicemail voice memo or any playable audio with your favorite photo goes well in any part of the home. A gift that will be cherished forever. FEATURES: Easy to use Complete tracks Low power consumption Can be used with any cassette player It comes with a hard copy of the song list

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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