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Flash from the Bowery: Classic American Tattoos 1900-1950 (Other)

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Flash from the Bowery: Classic American Tattoos 1900-1950 (Other)
Product Description

Between these pages are images of the original acetate rubbings from Charlie Wagner s turn of the 20th century tattoo shop The Black Eye Barbershop in the Bowery at Chatham Square in New York. The imagery of this classic flash preserves the origins of American tattoos--when tattoo art was transferred to the client from these templates via an acetate stencil. Everything was done by hand until O Reilley s electrified tattoo machine changed history. More than 900 individual pieces of flash that provide commentary on the shop s clientele and reveal some of the social economic and political ideas of the time. Includes nautical themes Asian imagery flowers boxers circus characters and plenty of girls Author Cliff R. White has been researching and collecting tattoo memorabilia for almost 30 years. This is an exciting collection of early American flash and a necessary book for the tattoo artist aficionado and student.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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