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Aspen Casebook Cases and Materials on Corporations and Other Business Entities: A Practical Approach (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Aspen Casebook Cases and Materials on Corporations and Other Business Entities: A Practical Approach (Hardcover)
Product Description

A practical approach to Corporations featuring carefully edited cases intriguing notes and questions and exercises drawn from actual cases to create a practical and skills-driven approach to the study of the legal principles of business. Featuring: Each chapter includes all the landmark cases that students should be introduced to in a Corporations or Business Entities course Strong skills-driven exercises and questions (both litigation-based and transaction-based) the practical exercises give students a chance to simulate what lawyers do the exercises are drawn from actual disputes particularly from material in the case s procedural history publicly-available information about the dispute and other information provided from the actual lawyers on the case Brief notes and questions after cases including some with practice-orientation Diagrams or Roadmaps are included to give students an illustrative snapshot of some of the toughest cases. This text obviates the need for law professors interested in skills training to rely on supplemental texts or creating their own materials Companion website that includes supplemental introductory cases (with notes and questions) to enable use of the casebook by MBA and undergraduate students

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March 4, 2025

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