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Tool Aid 28000 Heavy Duty Automotive Logic Probe

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Product Name
Tool Aid 28000 Heavy Duty Automotive Logic Probe
Product Description

Features and Benefits: Tests high and low voltages (power and ground) on 6 12 and 24 volt systems. High impedance; current draw less than 18 milliamps to protect sensitive electronic sensors microprocessors electronic ignition components and air bags Dual color LED indicates red for power (high) and green for ground (low) 6 of heavy duty 18 gauge dual leads with large battery clips for easy hook-up Leads can be attached regardless of polarity A modern circuit tester with time tested durability. Quickly and safely tests high and low voltages (power and ground) on all vehicle circuits including computerized engine and body controls. Extra long 7 insulated probe tests hard-to-reach circuits. Includes Protect-A-Terminal® probe adapter to prevent damage to electrical connectors. Can be used as a standard single lead circuit tester. Instructions included.

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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