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Hal Leonard Costumes A-Plenty (Customize Your Programs With

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Product Name
Hal Leonard Costumes A-Plenty (Customize Your Programs With
Product Description

Help!! My program is in 2 weeks and I have no idea what to do for costumes! From dinosaurs to decorating tee shirts take the worry out of planning with over 180 costume ideas from veteran music teacher Janet Edewaard. Attach white spots to a black sweat suit add a black painted nose and a cone-shaped straw hat with ears glued to the outside . . . a Panda Bear! Learn how you can become a Triceratops with three painted Styrofoam cones and a baseball cap! Some costumes are easy to create; others are a bit more complicated and no sewing required! Start with these ideas and adjust where necessary. For your convenience the costumes are presented in the following categories: underwater creatures period costumes costumes around the world historical figures insects fairy tale characters circus costumes birds forest animals bears nuts dinosaurs dogs decorating tee shirts and more! It s curtain time so have a great show!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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