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Chevron Techron Complete Fuel System Cleaner 10 oz

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Product Name
Chevron Techron Complete Fuel System Cleaner 10 oz
Product Description

Keep your ride running smoothly with the Chevron Techron Concentrate Plus Complete Fuel System Cleaner. It minimizes emissions to reduce your car s carbon footprint. Techron Concentrate Plus is a Complete Fuel System Cleaner that works in one tankful. It is formulated for gasoline powered passenger cars and light trucks including carbureted two-stroke port fuel injected and direct injected engines. Techron Concentrate Plus Complete Fuel System Cleaner with its exclusive formula is unsurpassed in cleaning the entire fuel system (fuel injectors intake valves and combustion chambers) in one tankful. Its use can maximize fuel economy1 and restore lost power performance and acceleration. Techron Concentrate Plus Complete Fuel System Cleaner is formulated with a proprietary deposit control additive which can clean sulfur corrosion a possible cause of fuel gauge malfunction. Regular use can help prevent harmful sulfur components in gasoline from attacking sensitive electronic fuel sending units on some vehicles. Techron Concentrate Plus Complete Fuel System Cleaner works in one tankful and is unbeatable at helping your engine achieve maximum performance and operate with the lowest possible harmful emissions. Also by cleaning combustion chamber deposits it can relieve cold start problems and minimize deposit-related knock and ping. Techron Concentrate Plus Complete Fuel System Cleaner is fully compatible and protective in all commercially available ethanol blends (E10 E85 etc).

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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