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Process Equipment Malfunctions: Techniques to Identify and Correct Plant Problems (Hardcover)

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Process Equipment Malfunctions: Techniques to Identify and Correct Plant Problems (Hardcover)
Product Description

Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO TROUBLESHOOTING PROCESS EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTIONS Process Equipment Malfunctions offers proven techniques for finding and fixing process plant problems and contains details on failure identification. Diagnostic tips examples and illustrations help to pinpoint and correct faults in chemical process and petroleum refining equipment. Complex math has been omitted. An essential resource for plant operators and process engineers this book is based on the author s long career in field troubleshooting process problems. COVERAGE INCLUDES: Distillation tray malfunctions Packed tower problems Distillation tower pressure and composition control Fractionator product stripping Pumparounds Reboiled and steam side strippers Inspecting tower internals Process reboilers--thermosyphon circulation Heat exchangers Condenser limitations Air coolers Cooling water systems Steam condensate collection systems Steam quality problems Level control problems Process plant corrosion and fouling Vapor-liquid separation vessels Hydrocarbon-water separation and desalters Fired heaters--draft and excess O2 Disabling safety systems Vacuum systems and steam jets Vacuum surface condensers Centrifugal pump limitations Steam turbine drivers Centrifugal compressors Reciprocating compressors

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March 4, 2025

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