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Schaum s Easy Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting (Paperback)

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Schaum s Easy Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting (Paperback)
Product Description

If you are looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview turn to Schaum s Easy Outlines! Schaum s Easy Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is a pared-down simplified and tightly focused review of the topic. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity it features a streamlined and updated format and the absolute essence of the subject presented in a concise and readily understandable form. Graphic elements such as sidebars reader-alert icons and boxed highlights stress selected points from the text illuminate keys to learning and give you quick pointers to the essentials. Expert tips for mastering bookkeeping and accounting Last-minute essentials to pass the course Easily-understood review of bookkeeping and accounting Supports all major textbooks for bookkeeping and accounting courses Covers all course fundamentals--supplements the major bookkeeping and accounting textbooks Appropriate for the following courses: Bookkeeping and Accounting Principles of Accounting Intermediate Accounting Financial Accounting

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March 4, 2025

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