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Sitting Kills Moving Heals: How Everyday Movement Will Prevent Pain Illness and Early Death -- And Exercise Alone Won t (Paperback)

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Sitting Kills Moving Heals: How Everyday Movement Will Prevent Pain Illness and Early Death -- And Exercise Alone Won t (Paperback)
Product Description

Your chair is killing you! A wake-up call to sedentary Americans. This groundbreaking new medical work demonstrates how modern sedentary lifestyles contribute to poor health obesity and diabetes and how health can be dramatically improved by continuous low-intensity movement that challenges the force of gravity. Citing her original NASA research on how weightlessness weakens astronauts muscles bones and overall health the author presents a simple and effective plan for maintaining good health throughout life by developing new lifestyle habits of frequent gravity-challenging movement. Written for everyone who spends most of their lives sitting in chairs at desks and in cars this practical easy-to-follow action plan outlines simple gravity-challenging activities such as standing up frequently stretching walking and dancing that are more healthful and effective than conventional diet and exercise regimens.

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December 13, 2024

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