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Imaging in Pediatric Skeletal Trauma: Techniques and Applications (Paperback)

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Product Name
Imaging in Pediatric Skeletal Trauma: Techniques and Applications (Paperback)
Product Description

This is a comprehensive textbook on imaging of pediatric skeletal trauma. It provides a detailed description of the techniques used and the imaging findings detailing their clinical relevance. In the first part of the book the various techniques and procedures needed to successfully image both acute and more chronic skeletal injuries are discussed in depth. Individual chapters are devoted to radiography CT MRI ultrasound and nuclear medicine. The second part of the book documents the different types of skeletal injury and the chapters are arranged according to anatomical site. In addition chapters are included on growth plate injuries non-accidental injuries and normal variants that can imitate fractures. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field and a wealth of illustrative material is included. This book is designed to be of value to all radiologists who are involved with pediatric trauma whether trainees or consultants and also to orthopedic surgeons.

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March 4, 2025

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