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Clauss True Professional Titanium Bonded All Purpose Shears 8 Bent Serrated Detachable Blades with Pouch

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Product Name
Clauss True Professional Titanium Bonded All Purpose Shears 8 Bent Serrated Detachable Blades with Pouch
Product Description

The Clauss True Professional All Purpose Shears features durable titanium bonded 8 blades that are 3x harder than stainless steel so they can hold their edge across countless cuts. This specialized shear also features a single serrated blade for secure grip-and-cut action to ensure whatever material you are cutting remains within the grasp of the blades. Also including comfortable ergonomic nylon bent handles a sturdy nylon storage sheath and fully detachable handles for easy cleaning.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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