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Geomag GBaby Magnetic Animal Infant Teething Rattle Sensory Toy Ocean

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Product Name
Geomag GBaby Magnetic Animal Infant Teething Rattle Sensory Toy Ocean
Product Description

GBaby: the line for +10 months that helps to develop the logical-cognitive and the creative-constructive capacity. Simple ergonomic shapes (cylinders cubes and semi spheres) and soft rubber animals studied to be easily held in child s hands. Attraction-repulsion becomes a great discovery for children. Even though the child does not understand why it happens they feel the strong fascination as something magical. This toy helps in the process of understanding shapes and explore new magic worlds. Starting from the Sea line kids understand how to connect the different animals on the basic shapes. Then with the Farm line kids understand the front and back of animals. Build a cow or a sheep connecting magnetically the front to the back of the animal. Then create strange and fantastic animals created by the fantasy of the child.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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