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Learn How to Use English Idioms Daily - For Esl/Efl Learners and English Conversation Tests: 3 Short Stories - To Aid Pronunciation and Fluency (Paperback)

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Learn How to Use English Idioms Daily - For Esl/Efl Learners and English Conversation Tests: 3 Short Stories - To Aid Pronunciation and Fluency (Paperback)
Product Description

In the English Language English idioms and phrases are commonly used in everyday spoken language. They are a type of figurative language or art-form made from words. They are not to be used literally as they carry their own descriptive meanings. In this book I have tried to use as many English idioms as possible in 3 short stories to show you how idioms are used in daily life. In this book of 150 English idioms you will read 3 different stories on eating travel and behaviour which show you how to use English Idioms correctly in 3 different contexts. There are two versions of each story one containing the 150 idioms and phrases and other stories written with only the meaning but without the idioms so that you can see the meanings more clearly. You can also see that the stories containing the English idioms and phrases sound more interesting and descriptive than the stories without the idioms. To speak like and sound like a native you need to use Idioms and phrases in your speech. Unlike the normal dictionary style idiom books with idioms and meanings the idioms and phrases here are used as they would be in normal conversation. You can now not only understand how to use English idioms / slang matching them to the correct verb tense form but also develop an ear to what they mean when other people use them when you hear them speak. This clever book of Idiom stories is a must have for those who would like to speak and sound like a native quickly and easily. It will also help those taking English Speaking Tests such as IELTS exams TOEFL exams. Each story contains a dictionary style glossary of all the idioms in the stories with their meanings to help you learn the idioms more easily. Don t forget the other English Idioms and phrases books in this series which will be available shortly along with the audiobooks. _______________________ Extract: from The Flight I had to get up at the crack of dawn to catch my flight to France. I wanted to catch the sun so I left early. I was travelling light because I was only going for a short break. I took my rucksack and headed for the airport. _________________________ 1. crack of dawn means first thing in the morning. To get up at sunrise. 2. to catch my flight means get on a plane. 3. catch the sun means to get a suntan. 4. travelling light means travelling with a small amount of luggage. 5. a short break. means a short holiday. 6. headed for means went towards.

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