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A&W Root Beer Soda Pop 2 L Bottle

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Product Name
A&W Root Beer Soda Pop 2 L Bottle
Product Description

Enjoy the sweet taste of an American classic with A&W Root Beer. This rich creamy and caffeine-free root beer is a timeless treat that has been a family favorite for over 100 years since it was first sold at a roadside stand in Lodi California in 1919. Family nights just aren’t the same without the sweet taste of A&W Root Beer. Whether you’re watching a movie enjoying a board game or simply enjoying the great outdoors gathered around a campfire A&W Root Beer makes the night that much sweeter. Although you can easily enjoy it all by itself in a frosty mug nothing quite beats the taste of an A&W Root Beer Float. Just drop in a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream into the mug before filling it to the rim. Pop in a paper straw to complete the look before taking a sip of 100% pure joy. For a truly decadent experience try the Campfire Brownie Sundae or Salted Caramel variations found at No matter how you float you can’t go wrong with an A&W Root Beer!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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