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Inspiring stories from the frontlines of the battle against addiction by Dr. Phil s leading interventionist and recovering addict Joani Gammill. Exuding the same passion and purpose as the author herself Joani Gammill s The Interventionist is a heartfelt game changer and long overdue. You deserve to read it. --Dr. Phil McGraw host of CBS s nationally syndicated show Dr. Phil Joani Gammill an average suburban mom on the outside was secretly addicted to multiple forms of opiates and amphetamine for years and almost died as a result. Through the life-changing intervention staged by Dr. Phil on his show Gammill not only committed to getting help for her addiction but she also went on to become a professional interventionist helping thousands of others in distress. In The Interventionist she intertwines her experiences with depictions of her often harrowing and always inspiring interventions of the addicts and families she s worked with over the years. In each chapter she recounts details of a client s unique battle with addiction and the devastation that led to a loved one s request for her help. Gammill s intriguing story--and the equally captivating stories of the brave people who come to her for help--demonstrates how it is possible to emerge from the seemingly hopeless world of out-of-control drug use and not only regain one s sanity but actually discover that life clean and sober can be more meaningful than it ever was before.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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