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Imperial Cat Grand Scratch Pad Eco-Friendly Corrugated Cardboard Cat Scratching Pad with All-Natural Catnip

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Product Name
Imperial Cat Grand Scratch Pad Eco-Friendly Corrugated Cardboard Cat Scratching Pad with All-Natural Catnip
Product Description

Cats have an innate need to scratch and Imperial Cat meets that need with Scratch n Pads®. Our original and best selling product Scratch n Pads were introduced to the world in 1986 and have been satisfying cats claws ever since! The Grand Scratch n Pads compact space-saving design is the perfect size for apartments and small rooms. Unique honeycomb surface mimics the feel of tree bark (a texture cats prefer) so kitty will scratch this and not your furniture. Made from recyclable corrugated cardboard minimum 30% recycled content. Bag of Imperial Cat pure all-natural catnip .

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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