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Tricks with Your Head : Hilarious Magic Tricks and Stunts to Disgust and Delight (Paperback)

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Tricks with Your Head : Hilarious Magic Tricks and Stunts to Disgust and Delight (Paperback)
Product Description

Mac King is a god. --Penn and Teller Tricks with Your Head is the world s greatest (and only) collection of hilarious mystifying and sometimes repulsive magic tricks that you can perform with your very own head. If you ve only thought of your head as a receptacle for so-called higher learning or as a structure for keeping your haircut from falling into your body cavity rejoice! Now you can use that ten-pound meatball between your shoulders as a source of ribald entertainment. Best of all when you learn to perform a head trick you can never be caught without your prop. Mac King and Mark Levy have perfected the ultimate mix of head games (literally) in this clever illustrated volume that teaches you how to: * Make your head disappear * Penetrate your skull with a drinking straw * Make a french fry vanish up your nose * Read someone s mind * Jab a fork in your eye

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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