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Airline Marketing and Management (Paperback)

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Product Name
Airline Marketing and Management (Paperback)
Product Description

Through six previous editions Airline Marketing and Management has established itself as the leading textbook for students of marketing and its application to today s airline industry as well as a reference work for those with a professional interest in the area. Carefully revised the seventh edition of this internationally successful book examines an exceptionally turbulent period for the industry. It features new material on: *Changes in customer needs particularly regarding more business travellers choosing - or being forced - to travel economy and analysis of the bankruptcy of All Business Class airlines. * An explanation of the US/EU Open Skies agreement and analysis of its impact. *The increase in alliance activity and completion of several recent mergers and the marketing advantages and disadvantages that have resulted. * Product adjustments that airlines must make to adapt to changes in the marketing environment such as schedule re-adjustments and the reconfiguration of aircraft cabins. *Changes in pricing philosophies with for example airlines moving to A La Carte pricing whereby baggage catering and priority boarding are paid for as extras. *Airline websites and their role as both a selling and distributing tool. *The future of airline marketing. A review of the structure of the air transport market and the marketing environment is followed by detailed chapters examining business and marketing strategies product design and management pricing and revenue management current and future distribution channels and selling advertising and promotional policies. The reader will benefit from greater understanding of both marketing and airline industry jargon and from knowledge obtained regarding the extraordinary strategic challenges now facing aviation. Written in a straightforward easy-to-read style and combining up-to-date and relevant examples drawn from the worldwide aviation industry this new edition will further enhance the book s reputation for providing the ideal introduction to the subject.

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March 4, 2025

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