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Cities Going Green: A Handbook of Best Practices (Paperback)

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Product Name
Cities Going Green: A Handbook of Best Practices (Paperback)
Product Description

Over the past several decades numerous planning movements have taken root within the United States. With names like Urban Renewal Garden Cities Healthy Cities Smart Growth Eco-Cities and Sustainability these programs promote ways to create protect preserve enhance and restore the quality of life in cities towns and suburbs especially in regards to the natural environment. This guide to the best practices of these programs introduces the rapidly evolving field before presenting more than 40 case studies of communities that are effectively going green. An assessment of the future of these towns and cities and resources for citizens and officials seeking additional information conclude the work. By compiling these success stories this handbook makes an excellent resource for anyone seeking to facilitate the restoration of the natural environment within their community.

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Last updated
March 1, 2025

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