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Orbit 1/4 x 50 Porous Soaker Tubing Black

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Product info

Product Name
Orbit 1/4 x 50 Porous Soaker Tubing Black
Product Description

The Orbit 67330 porous drip soaker tubing provides consistent slow release of water for a variety of watering and wetting applications. It is engineered to apply 0.75 gallons of water per hour for every 15 feet at 25 PSI which ensures maximum soil intake with low runoff. It applies up to 70% less water than traditional sprinklers. Typical applications include raised garden boxes furrows and the perimeter of concrete foundations where maintaining consistent wetting of the soil is desirable. For optimum performance of soaker hose install a pressure regulator and filter (sold separately) upstream of the hose immediately after the valve or hose faucet connection. Optimum length of each soaker hose line is 15 feet with a 1/4-inch drip plug (sold separately) installed at each end. Drip stakes (sold separately) help hold the hose in place. Recommended operating pressure is 25 PSI. For outdoor irrigation use with cold water only. Compatible with 1/4-inch drip fittings from Orbit and other major brands.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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