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The Birthday Gift (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Birthday Gift (Paperback)
Product Description

Meredith is a cake-baking apron-wearing small-town Canadian. Her guiding principle in life is What would June Cleaver do? That is until a curious set of circumstances cause her to crash an outdoor gathering where she stumbles upon a pair of delicious hunks getting a little hands-on with each other. Surely June Cleaver would have headed for the hills! Not Meredith. This relaxed get-together really heats up when one man s wife appears on the scene... and encourages Meredith to join in! Hot stuff! But the story s not over yet. There s still the tropical vacation the confinement in foreign prison the trial for freedom... and hey where s Meredith s husband in all this? It is his birthday after all...

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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