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Transgender Tales : Adventures & Misadventures on the Journey from Transvestite to Transsexual (Paperback)

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Product Name
Transgender Tales : Adventures & Misadventures on the Journey from Transvestite to Transsexual (Paperback)
Product Description

Compilation of Diary when deciding whether or not to transition; short stories; coming out to friends family and at work and other humorous anecdotes An online diary I kept between 1997 and 1999 when I first moved to Salford. I chatted to lots of other trans people on line many of who had never been anywhere dressed so I invited them to visit and go down Manchester s Gay Village. This tells the story of those trips and others that I made with Vanity Club UK - a TV/TS club. It also tells of my thoughts over that period when I started by identifying as transvestite but began to wonder if I was actually transsexual and if I would eventually need to transition permanentlyThere are descriptions of how I came out as trans to two of my oldest friends at work and to my family - and the consequences of those stepsThree stories that I wrote at the time for Northern Concord s magazine Crosstalk under the name Helen WilliamsonA poem Can You Tell Me What I Am? which was written when I was questioning if I was TV or TSAnd a number of other humorous anecdotes from the period.

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Last updated
February 18, 2025

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