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Brother Genuine P-touch TZES631 1/2 Black Print on Yellow Extra Strength Laminated Label Tape

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Product Name
Brother Genuine P-touch TZES631 1/2 Black Print on Yellow Extra Strength Laminated Label Tape
Product Description

With the TZe-S631 create labels that instantly draw attention while still maintaining their bold vivid hue. These label tapes are also compatible across an aray of P-touch label maker models. This tape resists dirt moisture and UV exposure so it s great for labeling or creating warning signs. Trust Brother Genuine labels for unsurpassed quality and stunning results that hold true to a variety of surfaces while resisting abrasion and water. With crisp clean printing and lasting adhesive turn to Brother Genuine labels again and again for all your organizational needs. P-touch Extra Strength Adhesive Laminated Tapes are a remarkable breakthrough in labeling your most challenging surfaces. Their extraordinary adhesive properties make them ideal for the toughest labeling tasks you face: Uneven and rough-textured surfaces Surfaces exposed to harsh environments Slippery painted metal and plastic surfaces And many more!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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