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Hawaiian Feather Lei Coquilles Fuchsia Hot Pink Strung per Ounce

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Product Name
Hawaiian Feather Lei Coquilles Fuchsia Hot Pink Strung per Ounce
Product Description

One low flat rate shipping charge per USA order: all items any quantityHawaiian Feather Lei Coquilles Fuchsia Hot Pink Strung per OunceThe prettily shaped coquille goose feather derives its name from the French word for shell or scallop shell. Coquille feathers are about 4 inches in length with a natural curving shape. Very nice. The feathers are densely strung (double sewn) with many feathers per unit. One ounce is about 18 inches (45 cm) of strung feathers. This is the most popular for making Hawaiian feather leis. Suggested other uses include millinery applications fascinators jewelry design wedding decoration bouquet accents craft projects mask making costume and other applications like wedding invitations where a small feather is desired.The price is per Ounce

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Last updated
February 18, 2025

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