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Computer/Law Series: Seizure and Overindebtedness in the European Union: Seizures and Overindebtedness in the European Union Vol 1 (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Computer/Law Series: Seizure and Overindebtedness in the European Union: Seizures and Overindebtedness in the European Union Vol 1 (Hardcover)
Product Description

This publication provides an overview of the legal practice of seizure and over-indebtedness in 12 countries of the European Union. Separate country reports for each country systematically address the following issues: the law of enforcement and enforceable titles goods subject to seizure and conservatory methods the procedure of seizure and the possible conflict with respect to seizures by different creditors. The contributors are national experts distinguished in the field of civil procedure. Contributions are written in either English French or German and are followed by summaries in the other two languages. In addition extensive bibliographies enable the reader to find material for further study. The authority of its contributors and the range of countries covered make this a valuable addition to the libraries of attorneys and lawmakers dealing with procedural issues relating to seizure. Its comparative aspects will enhance its value to academics in the field. Seizures and Overindebtedness in the European Union is the first book in the series entitled Civil Procedure in Europe edited by Professor Storme of the University of Gent and Professor Meijknecht of the University of Utrecht and coordinated by Remco van Rhee University of Utrecht.

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March 6, 2025

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