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Mahalo Ukulele Essentials accessory pack w/Clip on Tuner Aquila Strings & more!

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Mahalo Ukulele Essentials accessory pack w/Clip on Tuner Aquila Strings & more!
Product Description

Mahalo Ukulele Essentials accessory pack w/Clip on Tuner Aquila Strings & more! This great Mahalo Ukulele essentials accessory pack contains just about all the accessories you need to get started on your journey to play the ukulele. Included in the pack are: A set of Aquila Super Nylgut Model 100U Soprano High G Ukulele strings A Mahalo Model MZTU2 Chromatc clip on tuner 3 Mahalo Celluloid Ukulele picks A Mahalo Ukulele guide that goes over the basics of Ukulele A sheet of Mahalo Ukulele stickers for your uke uke case or? and also a Video Lesson Download Card that includes a 45 minute introductory lesson with Ukulele Bartt Warburton The value of this package is over $50.00 if sold separately but you save big by buying it all together. Each Mahalo Package includes a Password Card and PIN to access the video lesson. Just visit the Mahalo website to download and start your journey towards becoming a ukulele virtuoso!

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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