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igourmet Mustard Lover's Assortment Of Incredible Mustards From Around The World

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Product Name
igourmet Mustard Lover's Assortment Of Incredible Mustards From Around The World
Product Description

A World of Mustard Collection (2.04 pound) This great collection gathers up our favorite mustards. Whether you slather mustard on sandwiches or drown your hot dogs and burgers, you are sure to be impressed with this tasty collection of five mustards from around the globe: Brownwood Farms Famous Kream Mustard: (USA) Sweet, hot, creamy and delicious, Famous Kream Mustard™ has been adding zing to recipes for generations. (10 oz) Edmond Fallot Dijon Mustard: (France) An authentic artisanal Dijon mustard imported from France. (7 oz) Irish Mustard with Guinness: (Ireland) This delicious, high-quality mustard is great with sandwiches, sausages or burgers. A little dab makes a tasty cheddar accompaniment as well. (7.2 oz) Kuhne Mustard: (Germany) Kuhne's mustard is the perfect pairing with all German sausages such as knackwurst, bratwurst and kielbasa. (8.4 oz) Kozliks Canadian Mustard: (Canada) Since 1948, Anton Kozlik has been producing exceptional mustard for flavoring dishes of all types, from sandwiches to sauces to gourmet entrees. You might be surprised to find out that Canada grows over 90% of the world's mustard supply, along with having the world's oldest and largest mustard mill. Kozlik's has been using this incredibly fresh source of raw mustard to craft their exceptional blends. (8.5 oz) Please note that any item temporarily out of stock will be substituted with a similar item of equal value.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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